BuddyBetter 1.3

January 19, 2008

New version of BuddyBetter was released this morning! Today’s changes are relatively minor but include a few cool new ones

  1. HTTP Redirect fix. Now you can browse all your favorite buddybetter links with a friendly url (http://www.buddybetter.com/bet/Will_Apples_stock_hit_$300__share_by_end_of_2008)
  2.  New iPhone support allows you to add bets via special iPhone interface.

Additionally, we’re continuing to beef up the underlying framework we’ve built to support all of our sites. We have some really cool new shared modules coming down that we’ll be able to use on any of our sites without copying or retooling any code.

Lastly, expect a new interface sometime in the next 3 to 4 weeks!

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